Julien Hecht, our Board President, continues to focus on the large number of boaters using Cherry Tree Cove. These boaters generate excessive noise, trespass on FCF land, and produce pollution…
2023 Deer Management Program
The Board is working with Tri-County Deer Management Association (TCDMA), an organized group of professional bow hunters, who aid communities such as ours in their efforts to manage the deer…
June 23rd Board of Directors Meeting
The Board of Directors meetings are always open to all homeowners. Our next meeting is this Tuesday, June 23rd at 7pm. Now it is even easier to attend. To join…
Mosquito Abatement Program
Our beautiful community includes vibrant forested and wetland areas, which provide essential habitat for fish, birds, mammals, and insects like butterflies, fireflies, and honeybees. Unfortunately, wetlands are also a breeding…
2020 Mosquito Fogging at FCF
We have signed up again this summer for mosquito control spraying by the MD Dept. of Agriculture (MDA). Spraying will start on or about the end of May and continue…
2020 FCF Annual Meeting Special Report
Attendees There was a terrific turnout as Board president Bob Booth welcomed the 43 homeowners at the clubhouse or their proxies, and the over 35 homeowners attending the meeting online or…
Fences on Waterfront Lots in Fishing Creek
The board has received concerns from a group of homeowners regarding our recent decision to allow a homeowner to build a fence on his property located on Hidden River View…
Board of Directors 2020 Budget Meeting November 14th
The Board of Directors is hosting an open budget meeting this Thursday, November 14, 2019, at 7 p.m. in the clubhouse to present 2019 year-end review and the adopted 2020…
FCFHOA 2020 Budget Meeting November 14th
The 2020 FCFHOA budget will be discussed on November 14th at 7pm at the clubhouse. All homeowners are invited to attend this important discussion.
From our Board of Directors
The approved August 2019 Board of Directors meeting minutes are now online in our homeowners only area. To view these, log in then click on Committees > Board of Directors…
From our Board of Directors
Good News! The 11 new lounge chairs for the pool will be arriving soon. This summer has seen an increase in the use of the pool and it is great…
From our Board of Directors
The March (annual meeting), April, and May 2019 BOD meeting minutes documents have been added to our document depository. To access these documents in our homeowner’s only area, please click…
Kayak/Paddle Board Rack and Trailer Stickers
January 1, 2024 The Fishing Creek Farm Homeowners Association offers many convenient amenities for its members, such as access to a boat ramp and kayak / paddleboard storage racks near…