Community Resources

Anne Arundel County Police
Non-Emergency Number: 410-222-8610

Department of Natural Resources

Sewage/Grinder Pump Issues
From time to time, various parts of the neighborhood have had issues with the County owned/maintained sewage lines and grinder pumps.  If you witness any overflows or if your grinder pump alarm sounds, contact Anne Arundel County directly. Please call even if you are aware that your neighbor has also called.

24-hour emergency dispatcher – 410 222-8400

For more information on how the grinder pumps work, please visit:
Power/Street Light Issues
To report a power outage, contact BGE at 877-778-2222 or log onto
To report a street light outage, log onto You will be asked to enter your billing account number or phone number. Once provided, there is a quick form to fill out regarding where the light outage is in relation to your home. A reference number is then provided to track the status of the issue.
Snow Removal
Fishing Creek Farm roads are county roads and thus snow removal is done by Anne Arundel County. According to the Department of Public Works, during a typical storm (under 4 inches), snow removal operations on County-maintained roadways should be completed within 24-36 hours after the end of the storm.

For more information, or to log a complaint, you can reach the Anne Arundel County Department Operations Center at (410) 222-4040.